best root canal specialist in delhi

The Best Root Canal Specialist in Delhi

A root canal is an endodontic treatment performed by dental specialists called endodontists also known as root canal specialists. The natural tooth is a 3 layered structure with the enamel, dentin, and the pulp forming the layers. 

If the tooth decay is limited to the layers of the enamel and dentin it can be rectified by dental fillings. But if the decay has made its way till the pulp of the tooth then it causes an infection of the pulp and a root canal treatment is required.

How does the root canal specialist perform this procedure?

At Smile Mint Studio, we pride ourselves in having the best root canal specialist in Delhi, and our team of endodontists perform this procedure by following these steps:

  1. Remove the infected layers of the tooth
  2. Clean and disinfect the affected tooth
  3. Fill and seal the tooth with an inert material
  4. Restore the appearance and function of the infected tooth by fixing a crown/cap

In the next section, we have discussed the procedure followed by our root canal specialists at Smile Mint Studio.

What is the procedure of the root canal treatment?

When you visit our dental clinic our root canal specialists will follow these steps to deliver the best treatment to you:

Step 1: The first step involves an X ray in order to diagnose the extent of the infection. A local anesthesia is administered before starting the treatment.

Step 2: The next step involves removing all the infected layers of your tooth. This includes removing the previous filling material as well. A proper approach to the inner part of the tooth is established.

Step 3: After removing all the infection, the tooth is then thoroughly disinfected. Our endodontists will also reshape your pulp canals and the infected pulp is cleared out completely.

Step 4: The clean and disinfected section of your tooth is then filled with a dental filling. 

Step 5: This step involves fitting a crown/cap to your affected tooth. The crown is cemented so that it stays in place and doesn’t fall out.

Now that you know the procedure of a root canal, let’s discuss why you need one.

Why does one undergo a root canal treatment?

The root canal treatment is done on a damaged tooth, where the infection has spread all the way till the pulp of the tooth. The tooth can get infected due to many reasons including deep decay, gum diseases, etc.

It is extremely important to get the root canal treatment as it

  1. It stops the infection from spreading further and save the tooth from getting extracted
  2. Root canal Therapy relieves the pain caused due to the infection.

The root canal treatment is often viewed as a painful procedure and many people put off getting this treatment. In the next section, we have discussed the consequences you suffer when you don’t get this treatment done at the right time.

What happens when you don’t get a root canal treatment?

Not getting a root canal in time can lead to serious consequences. We have listed them below:

  1. If the intense pain you feel goes away with time then it doesn’t mean your tooth has healed, but the nerves inside your tooth are dead and that the infection has grown exponentially.
  2. The bacteria from the infection will enter tissues of the gum and jaw leading to pus filled abscesses. If ignored the same bacteria can travel through your bloodstream and cause heart diseases.

Getting this procedure cannot be ignored as it will have serious consequences. It is in your best interest to get this treatment by a good root canal specialist who has a lot of experience performing this procedure.

The infection of the tooth can lead to serious consequences prompting you to get a root canal treatment. A root canal treatment is performed by endodontists who deal exclusively with treating different layers of the teeth.

To get this treatment done properly you need to choose someone who has a lot of experience and provides this service at reasonable prices. 

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