Conscious Sedation Dentistry

Conscious sedation is using sedatives to calm your child for dental procedures without putting them to sleep. We provide this option at our dental clinic, SmileMint Studio. Our pediatric dentists may recommend this to patients undergoing multiple dental procedures, with a lot of dental anxiety, and children who find it difficult to sit still.

We place great importance on making our patients feel comfortable, and our pediatric dentists leave no stone unturned for their patients. They enjoy interacting with children and guiding them on good oral hygiene.

Conscious Sedation

Types of conscious sedation 

We have discussed the different types of sedation available:

Oral conscious sedation:

This type of sedation is administered by our pediatric dentists, where we give oral medications to the patient an hour before the dental procedure is about to start. These medications will relax the patient, and they will be conscious during the procedure.

We also give local anesthesia to numb the treatment site before the dental work begins. Many parents prefer this method for their children because they don’t have to take any shots for the sedation to take effect.

Intravenous conscious sedation:

An intravenous conscious sedation state is created by medication that is delivered intravenously. It has a rapid effect and can give immediate results instead of one hour.

Nitrous oxide:

Nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas, is administered through a tube placed over the patient’s nose. It relaxes the patient and makes them laugh, helping them to cooperate with our dentists. The effects of the gas wear off within a few minutes as soon as the patient stops breathing it.

What to expect?

Your children might have different dental requirements. Opting for conscious sedation is a great way for your children to undergo many dental procedures. Our pediatric dentists have many years of experience performing all types of dental surgeries and will deliver the sedation accordingly.

They will guide you on what steps to take and how to prepare your kids for this procedure. They will take all the necessary steps to make you and your children feel safe and explain the procedure thoroughly. Our dental staff will engage your children to be happy before treatment.

So, book an appointment with us today if you want the best dental services for your children with all the options discussed.


Conscious sedation is safe for kids, and we take the child's complete medical history before opting for it.

During sedation, your child may feel sleepy and fall completely asleep, but they will not be in the deep sleep of general anesthesia. They can typically breathe independently and will not require a breathing tube.

It depends on the procedure and the level of sedation required. If the sedation is minimal, then your child will feel drowsy but will be able to talk. They will need to remember the procedure. Moderate or deep sedation will make your child sleepy.

Recovery is fast in conscious sedation, and patients can return to their routines quickly. Conscious sedation is safer than general anesthesia.

Once they are under conscious sedation, your children will not feel any pain. We also administer local anesthesia so that the nerves in your children’s mouths are numb and your children do not feel anything.

1. Is conscious sedation safe for children? 

Conscious sedation is safe for kids, and we take the child’s complete medical history before opting for it.

2.What happens when my child is sedated? 

During sedation, your child may feel sleepy and fall completely asleep, but they will not be in the deep sleep of general anesthesia. They can typically breathe independently and will not require a breathing tube.

3. Can my child talk during conscious sedation? 

It depends on the procedure and the level of sedation required. If the sedation is minimal, then your child will feel drowsy but will be able to talk. They will need to remember the procedure. Moderate or deep sedation will make your child sleepy.

4. Is conscious sedation safer than general anesthesia? 

Recovery is fast in conscious sedation, and patients can return to their routines quickly. Conscious sedation is safer than general anesthesia.

5. Can my children feel when they are consciously sedated? 

Once they are under conscious sedation, your children will not feel any pain. We also administer local anesthesia so that the nerves in your children’s mouths are numb and your children do not feel anything.

Regain Your Happy Smile in Healthy Way

Be it a dental checkup, an inquiry about a dental procedure, or correcting your dental issues, we assure quality care and a happy smile with flexibility in appointment scheduling.

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