Sports Guard

Sports Guard

Dental trauma and orofacial injuries are common after sports. A dental emergency might halt your game. Dentofacial injuries are caused by playing indoor or outdoor activities by more than 5 million people each year. 

Bone fractures or teeth avulsions might result from an unintended fall or a violent hit while playing. A specially built sports guard shields you or your child from sports-related mishaps.

Why Do You Require A Sports Guard?

Sports guards are specialized dental devices that protect against strikes and trauma when participating in a sport or any other activity. Sports and mouthguards are a barrier of defense between the lips, teeth, and soft tissues. Children, teens, and adults may all use these gadgets.  Sports mouthguards for teeth are the best form of safety in contact sports. Your children may safeguard their teeth with a well-fitted, specially constructed-sport guard from our dentists. SmileMint Studio in Delhi now provides the best sports and mouthguard for adults and teenagers for optimal dental safety and protection. Here are three advantages of a sports guard to assist you in choosing whether wearing one can be beneficial:

1. Mouth Guards Can Help You Protect From Dental Injuries

The most typical kind of facial injury is a dental one. According to the National Youth Sports Foundation, players who don’t wear a sports guard have a 60 times higher risk of developing tooth injury.  Teeth can become chipped, cracked, jolted out of position, or even knocked out and lost during a contact sport, necessitating costly and difficult dental operations. A sports guard can be an easy and affordable solution to help reduce the risk of injury and the need for treatment.

2. An Athletic Guard Can Help Keep Your Brain Safe

A sports guard has been proven to help protect players from concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries by absorbing the shock of a blow to the head or jaw. This advantage of a sports guard extends beyond only protecting your teeth. Sports guards and other protective equipment like helmets and face protectors are becoming increasingly necessary for contact sports due to growing studies and awareness of the short- and long-term effects of concussions and traumatic brain injuries in recent years. For some contact sports with high-impact risk, it is always a good idea to follow your dentist or doctor’s advice to wear a sports guard. And also during activities that put you at risk of trauma or damage to your head, jaw, or mouth.

3. Sports Guard Protects Other Dental Appliances

It’s a widespread misperception that wearing a sports guard is less vital if you have braces and other such dental work since a tooth may be less likely to be punched out. It’s crucial to safeguard your dental appliances against damage that might occur during physical sports and may necessitate costly repair or replacement. Your teeth and jaw can still sustain injuries. Another advantage of wearing a sports guard is that it helps prevent your lips and cheeks from getting injured or damaged by the sharp edges of your braces or other dental prostheses when you collide with objects while playing sports.

What Sports Custom Mouth Guard is the Best Fit for You?

Sports guards are available in various hues, fashions, and costs. Most sporting goods stores carry ready-to-wear sports guards, which are a terrific alternative. However, your dentist may also help you get fitted with custom mouthguards, which might be more comfortable since it will be contoured to match the form of your teeth and mouth. To guarantee you get the most out of the sports guard of your choosing, ask your dentist for further information about the sort of sports guard that will meet your requirements and when you ought to wear one.

Schedule A Consultation

Call our SmileMint Studio dental office to schedule a consultation with a dentist who can help you learn more about this issue and enhance your oral health.


A mouth guard protects your teeth, tongue, gums, lips, and cheeks from the damage caused by sports accidents. Consider a sports mouth guard and a helmet for your teeth to prevent major harm.

A mouth guard can help protect your mouth if you or your child plays a contact sport such as basketball, football, hockey, boxing, or soccer. Some non-contact activities, such as skateboarding, may also put you at risk of injury and might benefit from a mouth guard. A chipped tooth or having a tooth extracted can be painful and expensive. You can reduce or prevent these injuries by using a mouth guard. You can also avoid dental nerve injury and soft tissue damage to the gums, lips, tongue, and inside of the cheeks.

Mouth guards protect your mouth from sports-related injuries, whereas night guards are worn while sleeping to help protect your teeth from bruxism or teeth grinding. Both are good at keeping your mouth clean.

Obtaining a mouthguard is simple! At the dentist, mouth guards are specifically fitted to give your mouth the finest fit and protection. 

Custom mouth guards give the highest comfort and protection as compared to over-the-counter mouth guards due to the specific material used to make them. Most mouth guards are designed to suit just the upper teeth; however, if you wear braces, your dentist or orthodontist might suggest a mouth guard for both upper and lower teeth.

Protecting your smile is crucial, and mouthguards make it simple! 

Sports injuries can cause oral facial deformity, which can have various consequences ranging from shame and avoiding social interactions to illnesses impairing a person's eating and communicating ability.

1. What exactly is a mouthguard? 

A mouth guard protects your teeth, tongue, gums, lips, and cheeks from the damage caused by sports accidents. Consider a sports mouth guard and a helmet for your teeth to prevent major harm.

2. What is the purpose of wearing a mouthguard? 

A mouth guard can help protect your mouth if you or your child plays a contact sport such as basketball, football, hockey, boxing, or soccer. Some non-contact activities, such as skateboarding, may also put you at risk of injury and might benefit from a mouth guard. A chipped tooth or having a tooth extracted can be painful and expensive. You can reduce or prevent these injuries by using a mouth guard. You can also avoid dental nerve injury and soft tissue damage to the gums, lips, tongue, and inside of the cheeks.

3. What is the comparison between a night guard and a mouthguard? 

Mouth guards protect your mouth from sports-related injuries, whereas night guards are worn while sleeping to help protect your teeth from bruxism or teeth grinding. Both are good at keeping your mouth clean.

4. How can I obtain a mouthguard? 

Obtaining a mouthguard is simple! At the dentist, mouth guards are specifically fitted to give your mouth the finest fit and protection.

Custom mouth guards give the highest comfort and protection as compared to over-the-counter mouth guards due to the specific material used to make them. Most mouth guards are designed to suit just the upper teeth; however, if you wear braces, your dentist or orthodontist might suggest a mouth guard for both upper and lower teeth.

Protecting your smile is crucial, and mouthguards make it simple!

5. Are there any additional advantages to sporting a mouthguard? 

Sports injuries can cause oral facial deformity, which can have various consequences ranging from shame and avoiding social interactions to illnesses impairing a person’s eating and communicating ability.

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