Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Flossing Very Important? 

Flossing helps in removing the sticky layer formed on teeth called plaque. It also helps in cleaning teeth and keeps away cavities and infections.

2. What Are the Signs of Dental Issues?

  1. Jaw pain
  2. Soreness
  3. Swelling
  4. Gum bleeding
  5. Broken teeth
  6. Sensitivity in tooth

3. Are Dental X-Rays Safe? 

Dental x-rays are completely safe since the radiation exposure is very low and safe for both children and adults.

4. What Are the Options for Teeth Whitening?

  1. In-office whitening
  2. Teeth whitening strips
  3. Teeth whitening toothpaste
  4. Teeth whitening trays and gels

5. What Are the Options for Replacing a Missing Tooth? 

The options for replacing a missing tooth are dentures, dental implants, and dental bridges.

6. Why Do My Gums Bleed? 

The bleeding of gums is also known as gingivitis. When there is plaque formation happens, and it hardens on the teeth, then it leads to gum bleeding.

7. I Have Sensitive Teeth. How Can I Care for Them? 

If you have sensitive teeth, avoid extremely cold and hot foods, use soft bristles toothbrush and fluoride-based toothpaste, use a mouthguard at night, avoid sugary and acidic foods, and visit your dentist once in a few months for a thorough dental check-up.

8. How Often Should I Get Dental Cleaning Done? 

Teeth cleanings once in six months is beneficial. If the dentist suggests more frequent dental cleanings considering your dental condition, it is beneficial.

9. What Are the Five Steps for Best Dental Care?

Here are five easy steps for the best dental care:

  1. Avoid unhealthy foods
  2. Brush and floss regularly
  3. Follow a healthy diet
  4. Check your mouth regularly for any signs of dental issues
  5. Have a regular dental visit once in six months

10. Why Is Fluoride So Important for Teeth? 

Yes, fluoride is very important since it makes enamel more resistant to acidic and sugary foods and helps prevent the tooth from decaying.

11. What Happens in My First Dental Appointment? 

The dentist would take your complete medical history during your first dental visit. A thorough dental examination is conducted and your teeth, gums, jaws, bite issues, and oral tissues are checked to know any underlying dental issues.

12. What Are the Different Types of Tooth Braces?

The types of teeth braces are:

  1. Metal braces
  2. Ceramic braces 
  3. Lingual braces 
  4. Self-ligating braces
  5. Invisalign (clear braces)

13. What Makes the Teeth Weak? 

Bruxism (teeth grinding) causes friction and clenching of your teeth, which eventually damages the tooth enamel and makes the teeth weak.

14. At What Age Do We Get Permanent Teeth? 

Permanent teeth start coming up when the children are 6-7 years old.

15. Should I Rinse After Brushing? 

No, it is suggested to avoid rinsing after brushing. Only brushing and spitting will be enough and retain fluoride on the teeth layer, protecting them from cavities.

Regain Your Happy Smile in Healthy Way

Be it a dental checkup, an inquiry about a dental procedure, or correcting your dental issues, we assure quality care and a happy smile with flexibility in appointment scheduling.

Delhi Dentist
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