Anti Snoring Device


Snoring significantly impacts your and your partner’s night sleep or anyone who shares a room. It affects your overall quality of life. According to estimates, 25 percent of individuals snore habitually, while 45 percent of adults, especially men and overweight people, sometimes. Since snoring is a sign of respiratory obstruction, it’s critical to address this problem as soon as possible. Snoring is known to increase in frequency as we age. Snoring is common and is brought on by nothing serious. If there is an issue, there are things that can help. Consult our specialist at SmileMint Studio, one of the top dental clinics in Delhi. nt Studio.

Cause of Snoring or Sleep Apnea

Let’s first examine the reasons for snoring before talking about possible treatments. Airflow obstructions in the mouth and nose cause the vibrating sound we associate with snoring. There are various causes for this blockage, including:

Congested nasal passages:

Nasal or sinus problems might make you snore. For instance, some individuals discover that they only snore when ill or have allergies. Additionally, people who snore regularly may have nasal polyps or a deviated septum.

Genetic influences:

A patient’s airway may become constricted if they have extra tissues nearby, such as a lengthy uvula or a soft palate, leading to snoring.

Insufficient muscular tone:

The tongue and throat muscles may become overly relaxed when sleeping if you have a poor muscular tone. When this occurs, the muscles may give way, recoil, and block the airway. Patients who use sedatives like sleeping medications or drink too much have a higher risk of developing this illness.

Expanding tissues:

You are likely to snore if your tonsils or adenoids are big. Patients with obesity may also experience bulky tissues in the throat or surrounding the airway, which can cause snoring.

Steps You Can Take to Stop Snoring


  1. Simple modifications in lifestyle might stop or lessen snoring.
  2. If you are overweight, strive to lose weight.
  3. Try attaching a tennis ball to the back of your sleepwear with tape or fabric, or invest in a special pillow or bed wedge to keep you on your side while you sleep.
  4. If snoring disturbs your partner’s sleep, think about suggesting earplugs.


  1. Don’t smoke
  2. Avoid binge drinking alcohol.
  3. Avoid taking sleeping drugs because they occasionally cause snoring.

Solution For Snoring In Dentistry

Your dentist could suggest that tests be done to track your snoring and sleep patterns. One of these examinations is the polysomnogram. To allow medical professionals to track your vital signs and blood flow while you sleep, you might be asked to spend the night at a hospital or sleep center. These tests can assist in determining the precise reason for your snoring and any resulting potential for insufficient REM sleep. Your dentist can suggest a few specific gadgets called Anti Snoring Devices to aid your snoring problems following a polysomnogram or other tests.

Anti Snoring Device

Many individuals are unaware of a dentist’s critical role in snoring prevention. Oral appliance therapy is frequently the first line of defense against snoring. Sleep dentists suggest the following anti-snoring products:
  • Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD)

This lightweight and adjustable device pushes the tongue and lower jaw forward, allowing more airflow in the pharynx. Each patient’s MAD is built specifically for them by a sleep dentist, ensuring a good night’s rest and minimal mouth tension. It has been shown to suppress snoring and reduce the likelihood that sleep apnea may occur. It aids consumers in having a sound night’s sleep. This raises energy levels and sharpens reasoning and focus. Other advantages include reduced risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stress.
  • CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) Device

One of the most frequently advised oral appliances for sleep apnea or snoring, this device has a mask attached to a cannula tube that pumps air through a motor. It also reduces the likelihood of snoring while maintaining airflow through the nose and mouth. However, a significant portion of patients using this device reported discomfort and removed it while they slept. An oral appliance might be a better option for CPAP users who are not adherent.
  • Tongue-Retaining Equipment

Sleep dentists suggest this little device for people with obstructive sleep apnea. It has a compartment with suction that, in the form of a mouth guard, holds the tongue in place to prevent it from reentering the airway. It can be customized and is effective at reducing tongue-generated snoring. In addition, It offers long-term usage and is a better choice for those who find using a CPAP machine uncomfortable.
  • Vestibular Mouthpiece Shield 

The body must breathe through the nose; this device helps with that. This Vestibular mouthpiece shield prevents the mouth from opening during sleeping. One of the causes of snoring is mouth opening, which is prevented by it. Some symptoms of snoring and sleep apnea sufferers, such as mucosal dryness, an itchy throat, and dry mouth, are decreased.
  • Chin Strips

Self-adhesive tapes known as “chin strips” are fastened under the chin to keep the lips shut. This is an excellent solution for those who snore lightly. Wearing it to bed is less intrusive, inexpensive, and more comfortable. In addition, they are a great option for people who wear dentures or have had dental work done because they cause the jaw and mouth the least pain and discomfort (braces, fillings, fixtures).

Contact Us

We offer specialized anti-snoring devices that can significantly reduce snoring and the negative impacts of sleep apnea on health, including blood pressure elevation, an increased risk of stroke, and diabetes. For more information on how we could assist you with sleeping through the night once more, please feel free to contact SmileMint Studio.


Many individuals are unaware of a dentist’s critical role in snoring prevention. Oral appliance therapy is frequently the first line of defense against snoring. A tailored appliance comfortably covers the teeth, resembling a sports mouth guard.

The custom-fitted anti-snoring device is worn while you sleep and is comparable to an orthodontic retainer or a sports mouthguard. It keeps the airway from shutting and moves the lower jaw slightly forward so you can breathe easily and stop snoring.

In addition to being unsafe and ineffective, chin straps for snoring can prevent an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. It is ineffective to treat OSA with a chinstrap alone. It does not enhance supine or REM sleep quality or sleep-disordered breathing, not even in moderate OSA.

Stages 3 and 4 of sleep are when "conventional" snores, unrelated to respiratory cessation, are most likely to occur. Stages 1 and 2 follow in order of vulnerability. This kind of snoring is less common during REM sleep when breathing is often shallowest.

No. Snorers can't enter deep sleep because snoring breaks up and interrupts REM sleep so frequently. Only frequent, protracted, and severe snoring may indicate obstructive sleep apnea.

1. Can dentists create mouthpieces to stop or reduce snoring?

Many individuals are unaware of a dentist’s critical role in snoring prevention. Oral appliance therapy is frequently the first line of defense against snoring. A tailored appliance comfortably covers the teeth, resembling a sports mouth guard.

2. How can a dentist treat snoring?

The custom-fitted anti-snoring device is worn while you sleep and is comparable to an orthodontic retainer or a sports mouthguard. It keeps the airway from shutting and moves the lower jaw slightly forward so you can breathe easily and stop snoring.

3. Are chin straps effective for snoring?

In addition to being unsafe and ineffective, chin straps for snoring can prevent an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. It is ineffective to treat OSA with a chinstrap alone. It does not enhance supine or REM sleep quality or sleep-disordered breathing, not even in moderate OSA.

4. What time of the night do you snore?  

Stages 3 and 4 of sleep are when “conventional” snores, unrelated to respiratory cessation, are most likely to occur. Stages 1 and 2 follow in order of vulnerability. This kind of snoring is less common during REM sleep when breathing is often shallowest.

5. Do snorers receive quality rest? 

No. Snorers can’t enter deep sleep because snoring breaks up and interrupts REM sleep so frequently. Only frequent, protracted, and severe snoring may indicate obstructive sleep apnea.

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