full teeth dental implants cost in delhi

How Much Do Full Teeth Dental Implants Cost in Delhi?

Are you planning to have dental implants? But still, wondering how much the full teeth dental implants cost in Delhi. Let’s see more about full-teeth dental implants in Delhi, India in this article.

Even though full-teeth dental implants in Delhi, India have been used to replace lost teeth for ten years, many of us still find the procedure unfamiliar. Therefore, one should fully comprehend the dental implant procedure and take into account all relevant factors when comparing tooth implant cost and pricing.

Comparing  Dental Implants Cost To Other Tooth Replacement Options

When comparing the price of dental implant treatment to other teeth replacement options like dental bridges and dentures, it is essential to keep in mind that dental implant treatment offers significantly more lifespan, comfort, and simplicity than more conventional techniques.

While the initial cost of bridges or dentures may be lower than that of treatment for dental implants, their ongoing care expenditures are substantially greater.

To complete a dental bridge, one must have good teeth removed. which in any case endangers dental health and increases sensitivity and decay risk. In contrast, dental implants, when installed correctly and maintained, typically last a lifetime without causing damage to natural teeth.

Conversely, wearing dentures destroys the jawbones over time, causing them to become loose and need replacement or relining within a few years. Implant-replaced teeth encourage the growth of new bone and maintain the health of the existing bone.

Read more: Best Dental Implants New Delhi India For Your Beautiful Smile

The Cost Of Not Getting Dental Implants

There is no stimulation of the jaw bone after teeth loss. Because chewing and biting do not provide enough stimulation, the jaw bone begins to dissolve. The only method to stop this is by installing dental implants, which connect to the jawbone and stimulate it as real teeth would.

Form, Beauty, and Quality of Life

Treatment for dental implants comes the closest to natural teeth among available teeth replacement solutions in terms of both function and appearance. Dental implants should be considered a long-term investment in both your dental and general health. They not only help you save money, but they also enhance your quality of life.

Factors on Which the Cost of Dental Implant Surgery Depends On

  1. Dental Implant Cost / Brand

Around the world, there are more than 200 different dental implant manufacturer brands. However, only a small number of businesses have made large investments in the lifetime and dependability of their product and Implant systems. In other words, they are industry pioneers and have been in the dental implant business for a long time.

  1. Price Based On Type of Prosthetic Teeth

Fixing a tooth or group of teeth on top of a dental implant is its primary goal. As a result, the quality of the prosthetic teeth should be top-notch in terms of the material used, aesthetics, and implant specialist expertise. Nowadays, there are hundreds of dental laboratories in every city, but only a small percentage of them are skilled in placing dental implants.

Dental implant crown prices can range from 4,000 to 20,000 INR, depending on

  • Material ( Porcelain fused to metal, Zirconia, Hybrid Denture )
  • Prosthesis made using dental implants (Screw Retained, Cement retained )
  • A crown for a dental implant (5yr up to lifetime warranty)
  1. Price of a Temporary Tooth Implant

Sometimes we must supply a temporary prosthesis, particularly for the front teeth or a full set of teeth for a few months until we can deliver a permanent implant crown or bridge, due to aesthetic needs or patient expectations. The price of a temporary prosthesis might range from 500 to 3000 Indian rupees depending on the material and aesthetics.

  1. Extraction Of The Tooth or Root Pieces

In contrast to routine teeth extraction, teeth extraction from the location of a dental implant, particularly in “Immediate Implant Placement,” must be done gently and precisely to preserve as much bone as possible. Or, occasionally, we add on treatments like “Socket Shielding” to safeguard the fragile natural bone that is still there. So the price might range from 500 to 5000 INR.

  1. The Price of Bone Grafting for Teeth Implant

To preserve the dental implant’s durability, lower the risk of infection, and improve aesthetics, bone grafting is performed to increase the amount of healthy bone structure surrounding the implant.

Bone grafting costs in dental implantology are determined by the cost of the bone graft material, the amount of graft material needed, and the cost of the surgery.

  1. Price of a Guided Implants Procedure

A tooth implant is placed into the jaw bone with the greatest accuracy and with the least amount of surgical intervention using a prefabricated guide created with the aid of a CT scan of the jaw. The cost of a teeth implant surgical guide can range from 5000 to 40000 Indian Rupees (INR) depending on the number of teeth involved.

  1. Test Requirements

Certain people may occasionally need a few specialist tests, such as blood tests, bone scans, or CBCTs.

Full Teeth Dental implants Cost in Delhi

Full-mouth dental implant therapy is replacing the whole set of teeth in both jaws using many dental implants (often four to eight in each jaw) and giving fixed prosthetic teeth with the greatest look and chewing function.

Full-mouth dental implant treatment options depend on the amount of accessible bone and the number of implants that will be inserted.

  • All-on-four dental implants 

The “all-on-four” treatment concept was created to make the most of the remaining bone in atrophic jaws while avoiding regenerative procedures that raise treatment costs, increase patient morbidity, and have inherent complications. This concept allows for immediate function and minimizes the use of remaining bone while maximizing its use in atrophic jaws.

  • All-on-six dental implants

In the All-On-6® Dental Implant procedure, a permanent prosthesis is constructed using six dental implants. It acts as a bridge or overdenture’s anchor. Six dental implants are inserted into the lower or upper jawbone to properly anchor fake teeth. After a thorough examination that includes digital x-rays and a 3D Cone Beam CT-Scan, a dentist will evaluate the anatomical characteristics of the mouth. Next, the dentist will check for bone loss and take impressions for a new smile.

  • Zygoma Implants

It has been demonstrated that zygomatic implants are a successful alternative to conventional two-stage and quick-loading procedures for the rehabilitation of the atrophic posterior maxilla. Zygomatic implants lessen the need for sinus lift procedures and grafting, resulting in a shorter and more comfortable recovery. Additional indications for zygomatic implants include failed placement of traditional implants, unsuccessful sinus augmentation or grafting procedures, recuperation from trauma, and tumor resections.

Cost of an Implant-Supported Denture in India

A removable prosthesis supported by 2-4 implants in each jaw is an implant-supported denture.

When there is insufficient bone to support the denture and the patient does not want a fixed implant-supported prosthesis, this course of therapy is contemplated.

The price of an implant-supported denture is significantly cheaper than that of a complete mouth implant procedure and may vary from 50,000 to 100,000 Indian Rupees (INR).

  1. Implant brand and number
  2. Denture caliber

Factors That Impact Whole Mouth Implant Surgery

The cost of whole mouth implants surgery is determined by:

  1. Dental implant and component prices
  2. Permanent and temporary teeth types 
  3. Bone grafting 
  4. Extra surgical procedures 
  5. X-rays

Given the aforementioned parameters, the typical full-mouth dental implants cost might range from 150000 to 300000 INR.





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